Sunday, May 17, 2015

Our Doctor Who Journey

Hi! Even though it's been done before and by much more interesting folks than us - Candie and I have decided to undergo a little Doctor Who adventure. We will be watching every single episode of the long-running series at the rate of one episode a day and blogging our thoughts here. Right now we're planning on posting at least once per story and giving a rating as well.

But first a little background:

I've been watching Doctor Who since roughly 1982, which is the same year my lovely wife was born. Living in Denver at the time I had access to two PBS stations, both of which aired the program and were in different parts of the Tom Baker era. Therefore, my earliest memories are of the Daleks gliding along the top of the Kaled trench in Genesis of the Daleks and Romana's glowing spider bite in Full Circle. I also remember the theme tune and the tunnel title sequence with Tom Baker's eerie expression used to freak my 8 year old self out quite a bit when it would come up after 3-2-1 Contact.

The first regeneration that I watched live was Logopolis and it upset me so much I stopped watching the show for a few years. After moving to the Chicago area, I rediscovered it and fell in love all over again! Many years, and many regenerations later, I have had several Doctor Who short stories published by The Doctor Who Project and have won a couple of awards along the way!

Candie came to Doctor Who mostly through me, but wasn't totally new to it, having watched The Waters of Mars with a family member back when it aired on BBC America. I quickly showed her some highlights of the classic series and we watched our way through most of the new. As a lifelong Trekkie, I knew she enjoyed sci-fi. After she attended her first Doctor Who convention with me in 2010, I knew she was hooked!

The first regeneration she witnessed live was Matt Smith into Peter Capaldi. So with her approaching things from the perspective of a relative newbie, and me as a long time fan, this should be fun! Also - despite having seen all of Who, I've never done a complete start to finish, in order watch-through!

By the way, I should put this out theirs: much love and respect to Neil and Sue Perryman from Adventures With the Wife in Space and Steven Schapansky and Erika Ensign from Lazy Doctor Who. We're not trying to compete or imitate. We just want to share our thoughts on the wonderful world of Who.

Please check out their sites and blogs and podcasts and swag at:

posted from Bloggeroid

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